k8s docker image cache
k8s 1.19
阿里巴巴云原生这篇 pod 创建效率优化不错,e2e 分析了 docker pull 的加速技术
上图可见 docker pull 的几个阶段
- 下载
- 解压
- 将文件 union 为 rootfs (图中没写)
所以 docker pull 加速也从上述几个阶段入手
p2p powered docker registry
Dragonfly is an intelligent P2P based image and file distribution system
Originally it was born to solve all kinds of distribution at very large scales, such as application distribution, cache distribution, log distribution, image distribution, and so on
Kraken is a P2P-powered Docker registry that focuses on scalability and availability. It is designed for Docker image management, replication, and distribution in a hybrid cloud environment
all participants can reach a minimum of 80% max upload/download speed in theory (60% with current implementation), and performance doesn’t degrade much as the blob size and cluster size increase
提升 docker image 分发到节点(大规模)的速度,适合容器化服务发布/更新的场景
docker registry mirror
gzip/gunzip 是单线程的压缩/解压工具,可考虑采用 pigz/unpigz 进行多线程的压缩/解压,充分利用多核优势。
containerd 从 1.2 版本开始支持 pigz,节点上安装 unpigz 工具后,会优先用其进行解压。通过这种方法,可通过节点多核能力提升镜像解压效率。
k8s 加速
docker images pull policy
- Never
- IfNotPresent
- Always
Never,kubelet 会直接启动容器镜像;路径最短
IfNotPresent,local docker image list 查询是否命中,命中则启动容器镜像;未命中,走 docker pull;路径中等
Always,即使镜像没有变化,也会多一次 remote docker registry query 的查询时间;未命中,走 docker pull;路径最长
every time the kubelet launches a container, the kubelet queries the container image registry to resolve the name to an image digest. If the kubelet has a container image with that exact digest cached locally, the kubelet uses its cached image; otherwise, the kubelet pulls the image with the resolved digest, and uses that image to launch the container.
docker images pre-pulled
schedule imagelocality
- imagelocality
注意到仅对 containers 生效,对 init containers 不生效;在 k8s sche 的 score 阶段有效,使用镜像大小作为 base score,即镜像大小越大,imagelocality 调度权重越高;当然为了避免 node heating problem,即由于 imagelocality 的策略,很可能 pod 的多个副本被调度到同一个节点,而其他节点没有有效利用上;因此最终 imagelocality score 的计算,还乘以了 image spread 的比例
1 | // scaledImageScore returns an adaptively scaled score for the given state of an image. |
如果 k8s cluster 中只有少量节点缓存了指定 image,则 spread 比例就会低,相应的 imagelocality score 得分也会低;反之,假若大多数 cluster nodes 都缓存了指定 image,则 spread 比例就会高,相应的 imagelocality score 得分也高
可见 k8s 设计之初还是侧重在服务管理,上述的调度策略也是对服务的高可用性友好的
1 | // calculatePriority returns the priority of a node. Given the sumScores of requested images on the node, the node's |
最后 imagelocality score 经过修正后,得到 image 在调度中的 priority;注意到 < minThreshold 的 score 都是一样的,物理意义上,就是说没有一个节点有缓存,和有少量节点有镜像缓存,在调度上的 priority 都是一样的,这样就避免了 node heating problem
node heating problem
this often results in Kubernetes running many of the Pods for WebLogic Server instances on the same Node while other Nodes are not fairly utilized. This is commonly known as the “Node heating problem.”
k8s gc unused docker images
Kubernetes manages the lifecycle of all images through its image manager
The kubelet considers the following disk usage limits when making garbage collection decisions:
- HighThresholdPercent
- LowThresholdPercent
Disk usage above the configured HighThresholdPercent value triggers garbage collection, which deletes images in order based on the last time they were used, starting with the oldest first. The kubelet deletes images until disk usage reaches the LowThresholdPercent value.
docker image cache management
kube-fledged is a kubernetes operator for creating and managing a cache of container images directly on the worker nodes of a kubernetes cluster
kube-fledged provides CRUD APIs to manage the lifecycle of the image cache
当前节点上创建容器时,是需要先把镜像全部数据拉取到本地,然后才能启动容器。再考虑下启动虚拟机的过程,即使是几百 GB 的虚拟机镜像,启动虚拟机也通常是在秒级别,几乎感受不到虚拟机镜像大小带来的影响。
《Slacker: Fast Distribution with Lazy Docker Containers》
该 paper 分析,在镜像启动耗时中,拉取镜像占比 76%,但是在启动时,仅有 6.4% 的数据被使用到,即镜像启动时需要的镜像数据量很少,需要考虑在镜像启动阶段按需加载镜像,改变对镜像的使用方式。
对于「Image 所有 layers 下载完后才能启动镜像」,需要改为启动容器时按需加载镜像,类似启动虚拟机的方式,仅对启动阶段需要的数据进行网络传输。
这个对现有架构的改动是很大了 …
- 镜像文件下载加速
- docker registry mirror,本地 mirror,路程更近
- p2p (Dragonfly, Kraken),分发加速
- 镜像文件解压加速
- container runtime: containerd, unpigz,多线程解压
- 镜像文件按需加载
- Slacker: Fast Distribution with Lazy Docker Containers: Our analysis shows that pulling packages accounts for 76% of container start time, but only 6.4% of that data is read.
- imagePullPolicy
- Never,路径最短,依赖镜像预下载
- IfNotPresent
- Always
- schedule imagelocality: 调度优化,当集群中大多数节点均有缓存时,优先将 pod 调度到已有缓存的节点
- docker images pre-pulled + docker image cache management: 集群 docker image cache 管理
k8s 属于业务逻辑层面的优化
总结李沐大神 ps-worker 的论文实现要点如下
server 高可用
- 多副本复制: 例如每次对 server 的修改或写入,均会复制到两个其他副本后再回复 ok。当然这会增加延迟,以及要求客户端错误重试
- 一致性哈希: key-value datastore, improve load balancing and recovery
https://memcached.org/ 也采用了类似的高可用策略
server 一致性
- vector clock,记录时间点 (t) 发出的权重 (w) 的数据,使用 vector clock 便于实现各种一致性模型,given the potentially complex task dependency graph and
the need for fast recovery
worker 高可用
- 一般而言 worker 仅负责部分数据的计算,而部分数据往往不至于对模型的最终效果有很大影响
- 假若每个 worker 数据量较大,恢复 worker 的代价较高,还不如恢复 server
所以 worker 的高可用,还是交由算法设计者控制。可能算法设计者更愿意实现即使 worker 挂了,模型训练依然能够运行下去的算法
parameter server 综合利用了现有技术(交叉),是领域型的 memcached/redis (这两都是 kv datastore)。当然 ps 是面向机器学习算法设计的,通过优化机器学习算法,使其适应 ps api,,解决了机器学习领域大规模训练的实际(工业界)问题
The novelty of the proposed system lies in the synergy achieved by picking the right systems techniques, adapting them to the machine learning algorithms, and modifying the machine learning algorithms to be more systemsfriendly. In particular, we can relax a number of otherwise hard systems constraints since the associated machine learning algorithms are quite tolerant to perturbations. The consequence is the first general purpose ML system capable of scaling to industrial scale sizes
conda activate
- conda 4.12.0
- macOS 10.15.7
示例为个人 PC 环境下的回显
Conda makes environments first-class citizens, making it easy to create independent environments even for C libraries. Conda is written entirely in Python
1 | # conda environments: |
今天来探索下我们输入 conda activate conda-dev
命令后,实际上 conda 为了我们做什么
- 设置了 conda env bin 到环境变量 PATH(替换 old conda env 值,比如 base conda env)
- 未修改环境变量
the problem with activate setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH (even when conda packages themselves don’t need it) is that it might break other things on the users system.
conda activate
命令在 conda/activate.py 文件里边实现
- activate
- build_activate
- _build_activate_stack
最终返回一个 structure
1 | return { |
可见 conda activate
命令实际上会 unset
查询 conda env path
1 | def conda_prefix(self): |
case = conda_prefix
= /Users/huangzhesi/miniconda
prefix magic file = {conda_prefix}/conda-meta/history
1 | # path is the prefix magic file |
测试 history file 是否有读写权限
1 | ls -alh /Users/huangzhesi/miniconda/conda-meta | grep history |
(1) 假若 history file 有读写权限,则 context envs dirs 按如下顺序
(2) 若 history file 没有读写权限,则 context envs dirs 按如下顺序
从 context envs dirs 中查询待激活的 env
1 | # name is the conda activate {name} |
到这里 prefix 就确定了 prefix = locate_prefix_by_name(env_name_or_prefix)
prefix = /Users/huangzhesi/miniconda/envs/conda-dev
- CONDA_PREFIX=/Users/huangzhesi/miniconda
替换 old_conda_prefix
,比如 base conda env
1 | new_path = self.pathsep_join( |
1 | env_vars_to_export = OrderedDict(( |
set ld_library_path inside python
比较 hack,不优雅 …
如果 conda env 中安装的非 conda package,其依赖 shared libraries,没太好办法,手动设置 LD_LIBRARY_PATH
gpu device plugin
device plugin init and list-watch
device plugin 启动时
1 | func (m *NvidiaDevicePlugin) initialize() { |
调用 m.Devices()
获取当前节点上的 gpu 设备列表信息
返回 gpu 设备详情,注意到不健康的设备 health
字段会被设置 Unhealthy
1 | for { |
device plugin health check
health 检测的实现也比较直接
1 | go m.CheckHealth(m.stop, m.cachedDevices, m.health) |
使用 nvml
go lib API 将已发现的每个设备注册到 eventSet
,假若不支持该 API 的设备,则直接标记为 Unhealthy
注册 ok 后,开启 for loop 等待 event
1 | // http://docs.nvidia.com/deploy/xid-errors/index.html#topic_4 |
注意到 gpu device plugin 会忽略特定 Xid
,因为这些 Xid
NVIDIA Health & Diagnostic
The Xid message is an error report from the NVIDIA driver that is printed to the operating system’s kernel log or event log. Xid messages indicate that a general GPU error occurred, most often due to the driver programming the GPU incorrectly or to corruption of the commands sent to the GPU. The messages can be indicative of a hardware problem, an NVIDIA software problem, or a user application problem.
Under Linux, the Xid error messages are placed in the location /var/log/messages. Grep for “NVRM: Xid” to find all the Xid messages.
NVVS (NVIDIA Validation Suite)
Easily integrate into Cluster Scheduler and Cluster Management applications
k8s device
1 | type ListAndWatchResponse struct { |
结合 Health 信息,k8s 调度器就可以忽略 UnHealthy
的 GPU 设备了
kubelet mount gpu
相关问题: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/72486, init container 申请 devices 资源时,似乎会锁定资源,导致 container 无法申请到足够的 devices 资源
讨论目的: 探索 k8s init container 挂载 gpu 的实现逻辑
k8s release-1.19 分支代码
kubelet sync pod
- syncPod
- SyncPod
- startContainer
- generateContainerConfig
- GenerateRunContainerOptions
- GetResources
- GetDeviceRunContainerOptions
- Allocate
// syncPod is the transaction script for the sync of a single pod.
1 | // Step 6: start the init container. |
pod 状态有变化时,大致的调用顺序
- dispatchWork
- UpdatePod
- managePodLoop (goroutine)
// Creating a new pod worker either means this is a new pod, or that the kubelet just restarted.
循环从 podUpdates
channel 中,调用 syncPod
1 | func (p *podWorkers) managePodLoop(podUpdates <-chan UpdatePodOptions) { |
综上可知,kubelet 可以并发处理多个 pod 变化事件(syncPod in goroutine),但是处理单个 pod 的不同事件时(syncPod),为串行处理
kubelet admit pod
那么设备资源分配,如何保证不同 pod 之间无冲突呢?
kubelet 在 pod Admit 时,会调用 deviceManger Allocate api 分配设备资源
kubelet 处理 pod 新增大致顺序如下
- syncLoopIteration
- kubetypes.ADD
- HandlePodAdditions
- canAdmitPod
for loop pod canAdminPod
即 kubelet 处理 pod add 时,是没有并发的,逐一处理
resourceAllocator admit handler,注意到分配顺序为 init container, containers
1 | func (m *resourceAllocator) Admit(attrs *lifecycle.PodAdmitAttributes) lifecycle.PodAdmitResult { |
继续往下看 deviceManger Allocate
1 | // Allocate is the call that you can use to allocate a set of devices |
注意到先为 init container 分配 device 资源,且分配后的 device 资源被 addContainerAllocatedResources
加入到 devicesToReuse 中;假设在下一个循环,是为 container 分配资源,则会优先使用 devicesToReuse
去分配,分配完成后,再使用 removeContainerAllocatedResources
从 devicesToReuse
中减去已分配的 device 资源
1 | // Allocates from reusableDevices list first. |
相关问题: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/72486#issuecomment-482554372
回到相关问题,从上述的分配逻辑可知,init container 申请 device,导致 container 无法继续申请 device 的 bug 已经被 fixed
从代码实现上也可知,假若如 issue 中的 pod yaml
1 | apiVersion: v1 |
从 k8s 的实现逻辑上看,init container 申请的 device,实际上会与 container 申请的 device 相同;原因如下
- device 分配(admit)逐一 pod 进行,因此没有 pod 并发分配约束
- pod 内部按先 init container 后 container 的顺序依次分配 device
- init container 已分配的 device 作为 devicesToReuse
- 在后续的 container 分配时,优先使用 devicesToReuse 分配 device
不过在 syncPod 内部也有一个 workaround 的 case
1 | func (m *ManagerImpl) GetDeviceRunContainerOptions(pod *v1.Pod, container *v1.Container) (*DeviceRunContainerOptions, error) { |
19/11/10 的 commit
Checks whether we have cached runtime state before starting a container that requests any device plugin resource. If not, re-issue Allocate grpc calls. This allows us to handle the edge case that a pod got assigned to a node even before it populates its extended resource capacity.
注释说明这种情况出现在 node 重启,pod 又被分配到了一个 node 上,但是这个 node 的 extended resource capacity 又并未 polulates 的情况
回到 deviceManger Allocate 方法
1 | // Allocate is the call that you can use to allocate a set of devices |
可见其中使用了 map,并不是并发安全的;因此上述 workaround 代码,假若触发条件非单一 pod 的情况下,是有并发问题的;既然提交了如此久,未被修复,那么我也认为该处 workaround 代码无多 pod 并发冲突 … :) 当然啦,这不是乱说的,找到上边代码合入的 PR 讨论,也可以佐证是 serialized 的
其实大佬们也注意到了这个实现的诡异之处,只是 leave it behind,因为之前就有,此次重构并未修改原来的逻辑
设计思路呢,其实就是 init container 的资源,继续分配给 container
I’d need to look closer at this, but is the idea to:
Unconditionally allocate CPUs to the container from the pool of available CPUs
Check if the container we just allocated to is an init container
if it IS an init container, reset the pool of available CPUs to re-include the CPUs just assigned to the init container (but keep them assigned to the init container in the process).
If it is NOT an init container, just return (leaving the CPUs removed from the pool of available CPUs).
This would only work if Pod admission is serialized. @derekwaynecarr can you confirm that this is the case?
总之呢,最后是确认了是 work 的
golang memory model
Note that a read r may observe the value written by a write w that happens concurrently with r. Even if this occurs, it does not imply that reads happening after r will observe writes that happened before w.
1 | var a, b int |
it can happen that g prints 2 and then 0.
A send on a channel happens before the corresponding receive from that channel completes.
1 | var c = make(chan int, 10) |
is guaranteed to print “hello, world”. The write to a happens before the send on c, which happens before the corresponding receive on c completes, which happens before the print.
The closing of a channel happens before a receive that returns a zero value because the channel is closed.
In the previous example, replacing c <- 0
with close(c)
yields a program with the same guaranteed behavior.
A receive from an unbuffered channel happens before the send on that channel completes.
1 | var c = make(chan int) |
is also guaranteed to print “hello, world”. The write to a happens before the receive on c, which happens before the corresponding send on c completes, which happens before the print.
If the channel were buffered (e.g., c = make(chan int, 1)) then the program would not be guaranteed to print “hello, world”. (It might print the empty string, crash, or do something else.)
The kth receive on a channel with capacity C happens before the k+Cth send from that channel completes.
This program starts a goroutine for every entry in the work list, but the goroutines coordinate using the limit channel to ensure that at most three are running work functions at a time.
1 | var limit = make(chan int, 3) |
infiniband ethernet
Configure RoCE
functions defined in libibverbs to get the desired GID index.
根据上述材料可知,RoCE 首先需要网卡设备支持比如 mlnx ConnectX-4
以 mlnx 网卡设备为例
- 找到 mlnx 设备 GID 映射到的网络设备
cat /sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_0/ports/1/gid_attrs/ndevs/1
- 查看 GIDs 1 对应的 RoCE type
cat /sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_0/ports/1/gid_attrs/types/1
- 查看 GIDs 1 地址
cat /sys/class/infiniband/mlx5_0/ports/1/gids/1
Interface | GID Index | RoCE version | GID Address |
ens785f0 | 1 | RoCEv2 | fe80:0000:0000:0000:e61d:2dff:fef2:a488 |
确定好需要使用的 GID 后,可使用 ib_send_bw
指定 GID 进行 RoCE 通信
在 mlnx 设备映射到的网络设备中增加的 vlan 网卡也支持 RoCE
RoCE in container
NCCL RoCE failed in container
NCCL WARN Call to ibv_modify_qp failed with error No such device
1 | // IB setup |
1 | ncclResult_t ncclIbRtrQp(ibv_qp* qp, struct ncclIbQpInfo* info) { |
推测是在容器中虽然发现了 mlnx 设备,但是并没有发现 mlnx 设备对应的网络设备(例如 demo 中的 ens785f0),也就无法找到可使用的 GID 进行 RoCE 通信
ib_write_bw failed in container
Failed to modify QP 100 to RTR
使用 ib_write_bw
也会报错,看报错信息,与 NCCL 出错的方法一致 ncclIbRtrQp
理论上需要使用 multus-cni 以 macvlan 的方式增加 RoCE 网络设备到容器中
instead of calico, you should use macvlan cni where those virtual devices are child of enp175s0. RoCE can make use of those netdevices.
Other users are using multus plugin, which allows you to have multiple netdev interfaces in a Pod. Such as first managed default veth interface via your existing plugin, and second macvlan or sriov interface via 2nd cni.
This way you get both of both world for performance and functionality.
根据 multus-cni quick start 文档,假若 multus 实测可兼容目前 k8s 集群默认的 cni 插件的情况下,需要额外增加 macvlan RoCE 网络设备的 crd 资源配置(假若主机上有多个 RoCE 网络设备,则可分别创建多个 crd 资源配置,每个资源配置对应其中一个 RoCE 网络设备)
1 | cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f - |
当然前提是 k8s 集群中已安装了 macvlan cni
type: This tells CNI which binary to call on disk. Each CNI plugin is a binary that’s called. Typically, these binaries are stored in /opt/cni/bin on each node, and CNI executes this binary. In this case we’ve specified the loopback binary (which create a loopback-type network interface). If this is your first time installing Multus, you might want to verify that the plugins that are in the “type” field are actually on disk in the /opt/cni/bin directory.
Some applications, especially legacy applications or applications which monitor network traffic, expect to be directly connected to the physical network. In this type of situation, you can use the macvlan network driver to assign a MAC address to each container’s virtual network interface, making it appear to be a physical network interface directly connected to the physical network.